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Accidents at work

Bullying claims

Have you been bullied at work? Have you suffered harassment or discrimination in the workplace? If so you may be able to claim for compensation. There is no legal definition of workplace bullying. However, it is widely accepted that bullying involves negative behaviour targeted at an individual, or individuals, repeatedly and persistently over time.
bullying claims

No Win No Fee Bullying Claims

Recovery Assist are leading bullying claims solicitors, so we can help you receive the compensation you need and deserve. Call Recovery Assist on 0161 762 4949 or complete our contact form and we will call you.
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Click here for more information on No Win No Fee Bullying Claims

What is bullying?

Examples of workplace bullying may include:

  • Being purposefully ignored or excluded you
  • Being purposefully set tasks that are unachievable
  • Having malicious rumours or gossip spread about you
  • Being treated in a manner that is different to other employees

Can I claim for Bullying In The Workplace?

Under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, an employer has a duty to ensure in so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of its employees. This legislation covers employees’ physical and mental health and imposes on employers a duty to assess the risks to health and safety that its employees are exposed to. As such, employers should have in place appropriate preventative and protective measures to reduce the possibility of bullying occurring in the workplace. For example, employers should aim to reduce the potential inter-personal conflict between colleagues as well as have in place an agreed grievance procedure, so that when an allegation of bullying has been made, a proper and thorough investigation should take place. Employers may also consider training their employees on what bullying in the workplace consists of and the negative impacts that it can have on employees’ physical and mental well-being. It is not a defence for an employer to state that they did not know that bullying was taking place or that they did not condone the accused employee’s actions.

How Recovery Assist Can Help

If you have been a victim of bullying, harassment or discrimination in the workplace and it can be established that your employer knew, ought to have known, or otherwise failed to take steps to prevent it - you may have a case to claim for compensation.

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