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Accidents at work

Manual handling claims

Manual handling is the transporting and supporting of goods or loads. Examples include carrying, lifting, pushing, pulling and opening. Certain jobs may involve little or no manual handling whilst others may involve manual handling on a daily basis. Manual handling injuries can be due to a one-off incident or as a result of the repetitive nature of the job itself.
Manual handling

No Win No Fee Manual Handling Claims

Recovery Assist are leading Manual Handling claims solicitors, so we can help you receive the compensation you need and deserve. Call Recovery Assist on 0161 762 4949 or complete our contact form and we will call you.
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Can I claim for a Manual Handling Injury?

Your employer has a duty to risk assess the jobs you carry out, but they also have to take reasonable steps to avoid any situation where manual handling may be required. For example, many different types of equipment can be used to avoid the need for manual handling altogether, or to reduce the strain and load that you handle. These include a forklift truck and pallet trucks. Your employer must also assess your physical capability to do the job and whether the risk of injury can be reduced by the job being carried out by additional people. They must also ensure that you are given thorough and frequent training on how to lift and transport goods and loads properly. If your employer has failed to carry out these duties and has not taken all reasonable care for your safety in the workplace, you may be able to make a successful claim for compensation for any injuries you have sustained.

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