PPE Claims (Personal Protective Equipment)

No Win No Fee Forklift Truck Accident Claims
Can I claim for faulty or inappropriate PPE?
Many accidents still occur in the workplace due to faulty or inappropriate PPE or even because equipment or training has not been provided. Common injuries associated with faulty PPE include crush injuries, lacerations and hearing damage. In some instances, improper PPE equipment and training can even lead to death when employees are carrying high risk jobs - for example, where harnesses and safety ropes are being used. You should also receive thorough and frequent training on how to use the PPE correctly, and your employer must ensure that you are fully competent in using the PPE prior to being allowed to use it and carry out the task that requires it. If you have been injured as a result of being given faulty or inappropriate PPE equipment or training, you may be able to make a claim for personal injury if it can be proved that your employer has been negligent.