Scaffolding accident claims

No Win No Fee Scaffolding Accident Claims
Can I claim for a scaffolding accident?
If you have suffered an injury on or around scaffolding, you may be entitled to make a scaffolding injury compensation claim. You can make a claim if you have been injured whilst working on or around the building or even if you were injured whilst passing by. If you are a self-employed construction worker or contractor, you can also claim against the company you were working for at the time of the accident. This is also the case for construction site visitors.
What does the law say?
Employers, site-managers and those who are in control of the work are required by law to actively risk assess in order to avoid any accidents. They must also adopt safety measures to ensure that scaffolding and supporting structures are safe, correctly-erected and maintained. These responsibilities apply throughout the duration of the job. In addition, if you’re an employee you must be told what the risks of the job are, as well as be provided with suitable personal protective equipment (PPE) in order for you to complete the job safely, effectively and efficiently. Legislation to protect the employee, visitor or passer-by is comprehensive. So if the employer, site manager or person in control of the work or the site ignores their responsibilities and you have suffered an injury as a result, then you could be entitled to make a scaffolding accident personal injury claim which will lead to scaffolding injury compensation.
Why do accidents occur?
There are a number of reasons why scaffolding accidents occur. For example, you may be able to claim compensation if you can show that the scaffolding is defective, unsafe or if safety procedures are not being followed. Examples of defective scaffolding or unsafe site practices include:
- Scaffolding made of weak planks or supports
- Inadequate health and safety procedures
- Loads have fallen on you from scaffolding
- There was insecure or non-existent bracing on scaffolding
- Poor construction or maintenance
- Insufficient use of or a lack of guardrails
- Lack of safety nets and/or inadequate fall stopping systems
What are the most common types of accidents?
The most common types of accidents involving scaffolding include:
- Falls from scaffolding.
- Falls through scaffolding boards.
- Trips on scaffolding.
- Accidents involving scaffolding collapse.
- Injuries sustained whilst erecting or dismantling scaffolding.
- Injuries caused by objects falling from scaffolds.
What injuries can be caused?
Unfortunately, falls from scaffolding are one of the most common causes of injury and can lead to permanent disability, prolonged absence from work and sometimes death. Injuries include:
- Very severe head injuries.
- Pelvic fractures.
- Spinal injuries.
- Lacerations caused by unprotected sharp edges.
- Broken bones.
- Brain injuries.
- Fatal injury.