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Regulatory information

  1. Recovery Assist LLP (“Recovery Assist”) is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales under company number OC343114 and with its registered office at: Dusty Miller House, 87 Crostons Road, Bury, BL8 1AL.
  2. We use the term ‘Partner’ to refer to a member of the LLP or any employee of, or consultant to, the LLP with equivalent standing and/or qualifications. A full list of members may be obtained from the registered office.
  3. Recovery Assist is authorised and regulated (under SRA number 510847) by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA).
  4. Recovery Assist is registered for VAT purposes with VAT Number 972 2438 10
  5. Recovery Assist maintains professional indemnity insurance cover with Hera Indemnity Limited. Further information is available at our registered office.
  6. A complaints-handling procedure is available for our clients. Where we are unable to resolve complaints regarding standard of service, you may be eligible to refer it to the Legal Ombudsman. Full details can be found in our complaints-handling procedure, which can be viewed here.
  7. Any complaints regarding conduct (our behaviour) must be reported to our regulator, the SRA. This could be for things like dishonesty, taking or losing your money or treating you unfairly because of your age, a disability or other characteristic.