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Defective product claims

If you buy a brand new product, you can assume it will have gone through a number of safety checks to ensure it will have reached you in a state that it is safe to use. This is usually the case but occasionally faulty or dangerous products slip through the net – which can sometimes result in you being injured. That’s why it is important you know your rights when it comes to product liability.
defective claims

No Win No Fee Defective Product Claims

Recovery Assist is a leading Defective Product claims solicitors, so we can help you receive the compensation you need and deserve. Call Recovery Assist on 0161 762 4949 or tell us about your accident and we will call you.
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What Is a Defective Product claim?

If you’ve had an accident and suffer personal injury as a result of a defective or faulty product, you may be entitled to make a claim for compensation. Recovery Assist personal injury solicitors have a wealth of experience in dealing with injuries resulting from defective products and we can offer you free advice to establish whether you have a claim. If you didn’t misuse the product which has caused your injury, you could be entitled to make a claim against the manufacturer or the retailer because of the rights entitled to you under the Consumer Protection Act 1987.

Can I claim for Defective Product?

Have you suffered a burn, a cut or even broken bones as a result of a faulty product? To make a successful defective product personal injury claim for compensation, you will have to prove that your injury was caused by the defective product. It’s also important that you make your claim within three years of the injury occurring. It is also a good idea if you keep the receipt for the defective product to show proof of purchase, the date you bought it and the place you bought it from.

What is classed as a defective Product?

Defective product claims can cover all sorts of products, ranging from beauty and cosmetic items to electrical goods. At Recovery Assist we know that injuries from defective products can be wide ranging. We have extensive legal experience of dealing with claims for faulty garden furniture, slow cookers which have exploded and even faulty vacuum cleaners. Our dedicated team of compensation specialists have the knowledge to deal with all types of defective product claims so don’t be afraid to give us a ring and chat about your injury and defective product.

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